Ladies First Glamour

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Ladies First Glamour/Pinup is a special division of Ladies First Photography.  Ladies First Glamour/Pinup is an extension of boudoir portraiture.  Ladies First Glamour/Pinup mixes concepts of boudoir portraiture with glamour portraiture, pinup portraiture, cosplay and fine art concepts.  Portrait work can be prop simple done in studio, hotel style which combines the backgrounds of the chose hotel room with portrait concepts, to locations of all sorts including the home, the office, the outdoors, and beyond...where ever we can get in and set up the scene, we can create an portait concept.

It is your inner beauty that makes for a Dynamic Fine Art Glamour/Pinup  Portrait.  Ladies First Glamour/Pinup helps ladies celebrate the artistic side of being a lady.  The samples here reflect many different styles and the cross over of styles between Glamour, Boudoir, Pinup, Swimsuit, and Fashion Style Portraiture.

There are two main lighting techniques used for glamour and pinup portraiture, High Key and Low Key.  High Key is more brightly lit, generally illuminating the subject and the scene.  Low key is use of a darker less sweeping more shadowy style look. Both lighting types can be used for all body types with low key lighting used to be more camouflaging.  I have highlighted the sample sets with my lighting technique used.

Also note the categories presented.  This will help with ideas.  Note especially the "Around the House", used to turn your house or apartment into a fun glamour/pinup/boudoir studio.

Sessions are performed with the fullest measure of professionalism, artistic creation, and modesty. Sessions are done at the location of your choice.  Your session is designed through a complete either in person or telephone consultation. You may have a guest at you portrait session to help you feel comfortable.  Contact us or Call or text today 309-277-0861 to set up you session.


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